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ERN Daily Quiz – Wednesday 8th June 2016



After a successful debut last season on Twitter, our daily quiz competition has taken a step forward this season. The name has now changed from “ERN Lunchtime Quiz” to “ERN Daily Quiz” but the concept is the same.

In the second season of Formula E, our quiz questions have more riding on them than ever before. You will be able to score one point each day for a successful answer, and the user with the most points over the course of the season will win a prize. The final question will take place on Friday 8th July 2016.

Each question is now open until midnight GMT on the day it is set, to allow users in all timezones to enter. The question can be answered in the below form. Answers on Twitter will not be counted.

Good luck!

Yesterday we asked: who had the slowest car swap in last year’s Moscow ePrix? The answer was Antonio Garcia who had to wait a full 4:10.543 (250.543 seconds) in the pits – 191.543s longer than the minimum time.

Congratulations to aladin4800, Joline_513 and sherrinford221b for the correct answers!


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Today’s question is:

Question open until midnight UK time on Wednesday 8th June 2016.

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Title image courtesy of FIA Formula E Media
Quiz graphic courtesy of Thierry Courtois
